Why Hire a Proofreader?

As a court reporter, your job is a tough one. You have to transcribe the spoken word at upwards of 200 words per minute, and you need to do it accurately to maintain the integrity of the proceedings. Of course, you could try to do your own proofreading, but studies show that we miss a higher percentage of errors on our own work than a third party would because our brains tend to read what we *think* we wrote rather than what we *actually* wrote.
My sole goal is to make sure your transcripts are as error-free as possible so that you can turn in work you're proud to have your name on.
I carefully read every word to make sure everything is spelled correctly and that the right words were used. Ever gotten confused between affect and effect? I've got you covered.
In addition to brand names, I'll check for correct capitalization use in exhibits, colloquy, and Q&A.
I'll look to make sure everything is spaced and indented correctly. I'll check that all the Q's and A's are in the right places.
I'll make sure the exhibits are indexed correctly and that all times and dates match up.
I know that punctuation is critical to understanding a deponent's or witness's words. I've proofread 3,000+ pages of transcripts, and I know just how to use the right punctuation in the right places to make those words make sense.
Reference Materials
I use a combination of Morson's Guide, Wells's Bad Grammar/Good Punctuation, Miriam-Webster unabridged dictionary, and Google.